After accepting your offer, select store drop off when completing your offer if you would like to drop off your item(s) at a Rebag store location near you.
- Find a Rebag store location near you and select store drop off to complete your offer.
- Drop off your item(s) at your selected store location. Please drop off within 14 days of accepting your offer to avoid the cancellation of your offer.
- Your item(s) will be shipped to our warehouse where we inspect and evaluate all items for quality and authenticity within 5 days of receipt.
- Once your item is inspected and approved, you’ll receive an email notifying you that your Seller Funds will be automatically deposited into your Wallet. You may easily transfer the Seller Funds in your Wallet at any time via bank transfer or check without any fees.
Here is more information about the Rebag Wallet and how you will be paid after your item is received and inspected.